Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Restoring Safe Services Together roadmap

Phase 2 is still a proposal as far as I know it. The province wants feedback: https://engagemb.ca/restoring-safe-services-phase-two
The last question in the survey is: Do you have any additional comments on the draft plan for phase two of the Restoring Safe Services Together roadmap?
This is my response to that question:
The points below are from the Schools portion of Phase 2. My response to each point starts with a *
-Indoor occupancy limits of 50 per cent of normal occupancy levels or one person per 10 square metres will be in place. Teachers and students may meet in small group or one-on-one settings to conduct student assessments, provide clinical supports, administer recovery and remedial learning plans and provide therapeutic services. *The numbers don't add up. Most classrooms are about 700 sq ft. This allows for about 5 kids plus a teacher to be in a room at one time. Much less than 50% capacity in most schools. This will help some kids but schools won't provide transportation so this is inequitable for families. Many families who really need the extra support won't be able to access it especially in rural areas. The amount of time that this will provide for most kids will have little to no educational benefit to most students.
-Scheduled students can access school Wi-Fi and/or computer equipment. *Many schools are already doing this.
-Counselling access and emergency phone access may be provided for students. *Many schools are already doing this.
-Remote learning continues but will wind down throughout June as student assessment and transition planning begins. This planning may be done remotely or in person depending on local needs and individual considerations. *The expectation for teachers to continue online/remote teaching AND provide in school supports will create lots of anxiety and stress for teachers and families. Also, report cards still need to get done. It feels as if it is an optics move to make it look like teachers are working. They already are in the current model. Kids and families (and teachers) are in a good routine now and making another change will increase stress/anxiety in many cases.
-starting schools on August 31st, 2020 and re-purposing some of the non-instructional days throughout the school year. *I have had many families tell me they will not start their kids in school before labour day. This will potentially make things even more inequitable. Changing non-instructional days to instructional days will likely not have the impact it's intended for. Having long weekends for kids/families throughout the year is healthy. No breaks may increase anxiety/stress. Staff need this time to collaborate, plan and learn. This pandemic has been traumatic for some kids and families (and teachers). Teachers will need to continue to learn trauma informed practices and look at assessment and other data to ensure appropriate programming is in place for all kids. If this pandemic does change how schools are run/organized teachers will need time and PD in the new reality so we can continue to provide academic and social emotional support for kids and their families. This seems to be politically motivated and I question the cost/benefit ratio in terms of how this will really benefit kids. Next year we start the same we always do. We learn our kids early in the year, figure out what they need and then plan accordingly.

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