During a leadership program I am involved in within the Hanover School Division I was shown a video from Ben Zander called the Art of Possibility. So much resonated with me. Ideals such as joy, passion, leadership and all the things that matter when it comes to teaching and learning. The following clip isn't the video we watched but it contains some of the message (Shining Eyes).
One thing that Ben Zander said that resonated with me was the fact that the only person in an orchestra that doesn't make any sound is the conductor. To me, this is the same as the principal of the school. Without the staff, the principal is just a person waving his hands madly in front of an empty room. Without the teachers I get to work with, I'm not much use.
I have always had the chance to work with a great group of teachers. Always. We may not always agree on everything but every person has always had something strong to bring to the table. Before Christmas I had the chance to thank my staff with a small gift of mittens (the whole warm heart, cold hands kinda thing)... I also thought of, and shared, one word for each staff member that I think of when I think of them. Below are those words. I am not sharing whose word is whose... because it was meant just for them. It's just one thing I value in each of them. It wasn't meant to define them. Just something I appreciate in each and everyone of them (EAs, teachers, office staff, student teachers and custodians)
Kind Hope Humour Care Creativity Artist Dedicated Faith
Advocate Positive Passion Imagination Leader Craftsman Integrity
Principled Service Energy Strong Selfless Honesty Courage Kindness
Brave Giving Optimism Perseverance Patient Hardworker Creative
Hardworking Diligent Fixer Tireless Energy Focused Ready 'Gentle'man
Natural teacher Imagination
These are the people in the school that make the music. Without their dedication and love of what they do, I would be lost. I very much appreciate each and every person I get to work with. I have always been lucky this way. This year is no different.
After a brief conversation with one staff member who had been reflecting on the word that I thought she embodied I came to a realization. She told me that she didn't see herself that way. But after a couple conversations with colleagues she saw it too and she was very appreciative. It helped her feel good about what she does everyday.
Since then, what I’ve come to realize. Every quality shown above are all qualities that I need to grow in. These are all things I rely on others to help me be better. So, I appreciate everyone I get to work with. They help bring out my best and challenge me to get better at my worst.